THREDDS Data Server

THREDDS stands for "Thematic Realtime Environmental Distributed Data Services". The THREDDS Data Server (TDS) is a web server that provides metadata and data access for scientific datasets, using OPeNDAP, OGC WMS and WCS, HTTP, and other remote data access protocols like OpenDAP, DAP4. The latest version of TDS is 5. The TDS is build on top of ncWMS v2.

TDS is open-source project written in Java. We can use it as a java library also. We can find the GitHub repository here.

We can download TDS from this link .

Installation of TDS

some of the important notes we must take while installing TDS version 5.

For more detail use the link below.

If you are working on large scientific datasets, I recommend to use TDS.

Here are some applications develop by ICIMOD that use thredds data server as a spatial server.

In the below image you can see chana devi located at Kaleshwor, Lalitpur, Nepal. Chana Devi